When will this new pathway go live?
We are aiming for January 2018.
I have just started (Introductory/Level One/Level Two Horse Management/Riding/Coaching), will these still be current? How long do I have to complete them?
Yes, all current modules will be recognised in the new pathway. When the new pathway is launched in 2018, current assessments will be accepted until December 2018 before being transitioned into the new pathway.
I am a current EA Coach, what will happen to my accreditation?
All current Coaches will transition into the new pathway. Further details into how current coaches will transition across will be released as the course content and learning platform are built. As a very rough guide, it is important to note that there are currently 4 levels of coaching available (Introductory, Level One, Level Two and Level Three), and the new pathway also has 4 levels of coaching. All current EA Coaching accreditations will be recognised in the new system.
Will Coach Educators still be required?
More than ever! Coach Educators will still be assessing all of the practical components of each module, and they will have access to the online platform to assess theory components as well.
How can I help?
Soon we will be posting applications for the community to join ‘Working Groups’ to help us review, refine and create new content for the new pathway. Watch this space over the coming weeks for more information on how to get more involved!