Medication Control

In 2011 the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List came into full force and effect. Since the introduction of the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List in 2011 there have been annual updates made to the list of the banned or prohibited list. For FEI Rules and Regulations and all related information including the lists of banned or prohibited substances, please visit the FEI Clean Sport website. 

In 2016 the FEI Veterinary Department announced the start of the new global Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Program. Comprehensive information concerning the program and relevant processes can now be found in the dedicated Clean Sport Section of the FEI Website. All athletes should familirise themselves with the new program and procedures. 

Other Useful information from the FEI

  • Check your horses medication or supplements click HERE
  • To access the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances Database click HERE
  • FEI Veterinary Regulations click HERE
  • FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations HERE

You can access EA national policies and bylaws by clicking this button:

EA Policies & Bylaws


FEI Medication Treatment Log Book 

Medication Log Books are required to be maintained for all horses entered into competitions under FEI rules from the 5th April 2010. Regulatory bodies in other parts of horse sport have required such log books for some time. The purpose is to enable Persons Responsible to maintain a record a what substances from the FEI Equine Prohibited Substances List have been administered to a horse. Using this record will focus attention on what active substances are being administered and also act as evidence should an FEI tribunal wish to examine the Log Book as part on the investigation into the detection of a prohibited substance at an FEI event. Participants with horses competing in National events are encouraged to use the logbook as well. 


Negative (Clear) Sample Analysis Notifications

A listing of samples numbers for which a 'negative' (clear) result has been advised by the Australian Racing Forensic Laboratory can be found HERE

Equine Anti-Doping Decisions

Further information

Forms for MCP Stewards

FEI Code of Conduct for the welfare of the horse