NEWS > General
Posted by National Admin on 01/12/2016.

2017 Rider's Goals

  1. stop going to the shops in my smelly boots after the barn
  2. hang out with non-horsey friends at some point
  3. curb my online shopping habit for diamante horse equipment
  4. invest in a great sports bra for sitting trot
  5. convince Horse that an umbrella will not kill him
  6. stop getting lost on the cross country course during competition
  7. become Fitter than Horse
  8. spend more time with my family (cross that, replace by Horse ...)
  9. get Horse on the float
  10. convince Horse to keep his shoes on for 6 whole weeks
  11. go on lots of adventures with Horse (a trail ride to Mongolia ?!)
  12. sort out/declutter my tack box
  13. walk Horse around the ring without him bucking me off ...
  14. smell like my horse every day (it’s a thing)
  15. have no vet bills !
  16. give Horse even more hugs and kisses (is that is even possible?!)

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year full of life and joy !

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