NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 22/12/2017.

2018 Equestrian Australia Sport Achievement Awards and Hall of Fame

The Equestrian Australia (EA) Annual Sport Achievement Awards and Hall of Fame will undergo a format change in 2018.

We will be trialling an online system that is aimed at better engaging our vastly located membership base and the wider Equestrian community.

Through this, our national champions, volunteers, administrators and legends will be more publicly and effectively recognised. It will enable us to better promote and endorse our high achievers through various multi-media platforms.

As such, there will be no official national awards ceremony function held in 2018. Already our state branches conduct their own very well attended ceremonies recognising the great contributors to our sport.

Stay tuned for more information on 2018 Equestrian Australia Sport Achievement Awards and Hall of Fame in the New Year.

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