Calling for 2022-2024 National Discipline Committee EOIs – Dressage, Driving & Vaulting
Equestrian Australia is calling for National Discipline Committee (NDC) Expressions of Interest for vacancies as listed below.
All of the below positions will be for a three (3) year term as of 1 January 2022 until 31st December 2024.
Eligibility requirements and an outline of the role and responsibility for each NDC can be found in both the EA National Discipline Committee Appointment and Procedures Policy and NDC Charters here.
To apply please fill out the relevant Expression of Interest form and return via email the email listed on the form.
Vacancies are detailed below:
Equestrian Australia Dressage Committee
Two (2) vacancies
Prue Spurrett has served six consecutive years and is not eligible to re-stand for a minimum of 12 months and Gillian Botten has completed one term of 3 years and is eligible to re-stand.
EA Dressage Committee Nomination Form 21.docx
The Dressage Athletes’ Representative will become vacant; Maree Tomkinson has served one term and is eligible to re-stand.
EA Dressage Athletes Representative Nomination Form 21.docx
Dressage Committee Athetes' Representative Position Description 2021.pdf
Equestrian Australia Driving Committee
One (1) vacancy
Andrea Webb has completed one 3-year term and is eligible to re-stand.
EA Driving Committee Nomination Form 21.docx
Equestrian Australia Vaulting Committee
One (1) vacancy
Wendy Singlehurst has completed one 3-year term and is eligible to re-stand.
EA Vaulting Committee Nomination Form 21.docx
The Vaulting Athletes’ Representative will also become vacant; Skye Barrowcliffe has served one (1) term and is eligible to re-stand.
EA Vaulting Athletes Representative Nomination Form 21.docx
Vaulting Committee Athetes' Representative Position Description 2021.pdf
NOTE: Changes have been made to the process by which Athlete Representatives are appointed. Athlete Representatives will be elected by their respective EA Discipline Membership. The EA Discipline Committee will seek Expressions of Interest (EOI’s) for a representative and an online election process will follow to select the representative. Should only one nomination be received, appointment will be by the respective EA Discipline Committee as per the National Discipline Committee Appointment and Procedures Policy.
For any further information please contact the relevant Equestrian Australia Sport Services Officer:
Dressage & Driving - Karen Myers [email protected]
Vaulting - Victoria Farr [email protected]