CEO Update: October
October has been filled with development, planning and events. We continued to progress the Equestrian strategy and structure recommendations, welcomed back a full suite of events and attended industry conferences run by the FEI and AIS. The teams are building out their KPIs so we can effectively track, measure and evalute the progress and impact of the strategic initiatives. The 2021-22 Financials were finalised. These will be shared with members for the upcoming AGM followed by the Annual Report.
In other updates:
Equestrian Structure Progress
As we start to shape potential models for Equestrian and look at the implications, impact and benefits, we have continued to test aspects of these models with various industry groups. The key to creating the best solution for the industry is collaboration.
A few elements that have become clear on the new model. These include:
- Taking a member-centric approach to deliver maximum value for members;
- Outlining clear roles and responsibilities to avoid duplication;
- Shared services across the industry to improve efficiencies, alignment and impact; and
- Increasing the accountability and authority of the disciplines for the experts to drive their sport development.
Much work is being done now to explore the financial and funding aspects of the various options to determine the most sustainable solution for the sport.
The AGM notifications have gone out for members including Director nominations. We have received the nominations, and this week the candidates will be announced. The AGM will take place on November 30.
The events calendar was back in full swing with the weekend schuldules again looking full, including the running of the Australian Dressage Championships at Boneo Park in Victoria. The recent flooding affected some areas and we hope all our members are managing these challenges.
AIS Conference
The Australian Institute of Sport hosted the High Performance Strategy to 2032 for all sports. Equestrian Australia were involved in the 2-day event.
The key theme being "winning well", identified the following priorities:
- Creating pathways and pipelines for talent;
- Capable people to deliver the strategy;
- Attracting more investment and funding; and
- Values, culture and behaviour enabling collaboration.