NEWS > Dressage
Posted by Christine Armishaw on 10/01/2022.

Change to EA Dressage Tests

Following on from the 2022 change in the calculation of Penalties on FEI Dressage score sheets, including FEI Young Horse (Art 430-6.2), the Equestrian Australia Dressage Committee (EADC) is adopting the change for all EA level test sheets.

“Penalties" are now “Technical Faults’ and changed to an 0.5% non-cumulative deduction (previously 2 penalty points).

Implementation is from 1/1/2022.

The EADC believe this is much fairer for a mistake that does not impact on the actual judging of performance.

Revised test sheets showing the change are now available on the EA website HERE.

Update 12.01.22: 

Allocation of Penalties in Dressage Tests - Clarification 

In response to a number of queries regarding the allocation of penalties in Dressage tests, the following dot points outline the process:

  • Errors of course are to be deducted from the final score as per current practice
  • The final mark is calculated as a percentage
  • 0.5% to be deducted from the overall percentage for any other penalties/technical errors

This will take place immediately, and the rules will be updated accordingly as from 1 July 2022

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