Coaching Renewals Start First Week of June
As the end of the financial year approaches, so too does renewal time! Renewals will be processed online, via logging in to your MyEA profile.
Please note that registrations will not be open for renewal until the first week of June 2019.
As normal, we will require coaches to submit copies of the following documents to ensure they still meet the re-accreditation requirements for holding a EA Coaching Qualification:
- First Aid Certificate
- Working with Children Check/Blue Card
- Evidence of attendance to Coach Update within the last 3 years
- Insurance Certificate of Currency
(if selecting the Registration Only option)
- Coaching Activities Form completed.
We are currently working with Gow Gates to finalise our insurance premiums for the 2019/20 financial year. Once this has been confirmed the renewal fee will be released and renewal will be sent out.