NEWS > General
Posted by FEI on 18/05/2015.

Dialogue continues around the 2015 FEI Sports Forum

The 2015 FEI Sports Forum was held on 27-28 April in Lausanne, Switzerland. This forum is the start for very meaningful and thought-provoking presentations and discussions on the future of our sport.

If you want to consult the supporting documents for the various topics discussed during the Forum as well as the Presentations shown during the sessions, please visit the FEI website

supporting documents 2015 Forum  

This dialogue can and should continue via the dedicated online discussion platform, so please do voice your thoughts and opinions on the 2015 Sports Forum topics. The online discussion platform after the FEI sports forum will remain open until 31 May 2015 and is open to everyone.

This Platform gives you the opportunity to contribute and post comments in relation with the FEI Sports Forum 2015 Programme.

 Online discussion plateform 


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