EA Sports Forum II - Summary of Proceedings
EA Sports Forum II
Date: Thursday 22nd November 2018
Location: Holiday Inn Sydney Airport
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
The second Sport Forum was conducted with the aim of continuing to build the focus on the future of Equestrian Sport in Australia over the next three to five years. This Forum followed the Annual General Meeting conducted the previous day. It was also informed by a presentation from Sport Australia, on the future of sports management for major national sports in Australia; representatives from Gow-Gates, speaking about equestrian sport insurance; and a discussion about policies and bylaws in relation to Yellow Cards.
This Forum was attended by the incoming EA Board, State Branch CEOs, various State Branch Directors and selected National Discipline Committee representatives. In a parallel activity on the same day a representative group of national level coaches met to agree a new start to an integrated national approach to coaching.
The Agenda for the day had four mains elements including:
- A high level debrief of the previous day as an input to this Forum’s strategic focus,
- A collaborative approach using mixed groups of participants to explore high level elements of a new Strategic Plan including Purpose, Vision for 2022 and desired EA member experience,
- Functional exploration of responsibility and accountabilities to underpin Purpose, Vision and current activities. New groupings were formed for this discussion and included the newly elected EA Board, State CEOs, State Directors and NDC representatives, and
- A discussion about desired organisational culture. This session was based on the ‘Walking the Talk’ work of Carolyn Taylor. The specific aspects discussed included desired behaviours, desired ways for communicating and working together better, and desired symbols that would inform members and other stakeholders that EA was focusing on its future.
In early 2019, work will be undertaken to develop a new Strategic Plan. This will include a ‘Roadmap’ to outline EA’s and Branch priorities and delegate responsibilities. Further Sports Forums will also be conducted to continue to build a collaborative focus to shaping and agreeing the future of EA.
Examples of Key Points Raised
The following is intended to indicate some of the key points suggested by Forum II Participants. This summary is also intended to assist EA members to contemplate their aspirations and expectations for Equestrian sport in Australia.
A Purpose Statement is enduring over time and explains the reason an organisation exists. It is sometimes referred to as a Mission. A Purpose Statement also provides guidance to strategies and other activities, particularly in times of uncertainty e.g. does an activity being contemplated align to our Purpose? If yes, then continue. If not; stop, check and recalibrate.
Some Purpose elements suggested included:
A Vision Statement provides a longer-term focus; however, it may vary as operating context changes. It is also intended to be a ‘stretch’ aspiration to ensure that EA is seeking to be the best organisation for its members that it can be.
Some Vision elements suggested included:
Member Experience
A focus on the desired member experience is key to ensuring that the organisation does not lose sight of who it is designed to serve.
Some Member Experience elements suggested included: