NEWS > Vaulting
Posted by Christine Armishaw on 27/07/2021.

EA Vaulting Committee Appointments

Following the recent National Discipline Committee Election for Vaulting, which took place as per the EA National Discipline Appointment and Procedures Policy, Equestrian Australia (EA) is pleased to welcome a new member, Natalie McNeill (NSW), for a three-year term to the Vaulting Committee (EAVC).

On behalf of the EA Vaulting Community, the EAVC wish to thank Sarah Hocking (outgoing EAVC Member) for her dedication during her terms - her contribution is very much appreciated.

It is pleasing to see the calibre of volunteers we have working on our committees, and we sincerely value the work, knowledge and experience all our current and past members provide to our sport.   

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