Education News

As of 18 December 2023, the 2024 FEI CES Assessments will be accessible. Separate enrolment notifications will be sent for each CES Assessment directly to FEI Officials...

Equestrian Australia hosted a FEI Eventing Course for Judges, Technical Delegates and Course designers from 9th – 12th November, which was held alongside the Sydney...

The EA Driving Committee have been diligently working on developing pathways and course material to enable the re-commencement of Driving Officials Courses in 2024.

Equestrian Australia hosted two FEI Jumping Course Designer courses in Clarendon, NSW at the end of July.
The first course was a FEI Jumping Course Designers Level...

EA Officals Top Up Insurance for 2023/24
Do you require Officials Top-Up Insurance?
If you earn an income for officiating or officiate at non EA affiliated events or...

Equestrian Australia's National Medication Control Officer (NMCO), Dr Penny Dow, travelled to SA on 15th April to run the postponed EA National Medication Control Program...