ENSW - Myths about Hendra
While for the most part there is acceptance and understanding about the need for Hendra vaccination there are still some misconceptions about.
I believe most of these misconceptions are spawned by intelligent, well informed people who are transposing knowledge they acquired (forcefully!) during EI onto a different disease, Hendravirus.
There are important differences to be considered, in many ways these diseases are quite opposite to one another.
Rarely kills horses |
Almost always kills horses |
Humans can't catch it |
Infected humans get very sick or die |
Endemic in horses in most parts of the world except Australia and New Zealand |
Uncommon disease only identified in Australia |
Only host is horses (Equidae). The disease was eliminated from Australia by quarantine and vaccination of horses. |
Natural host in the fruit bat. The disease will not be eliminated by vaccinating horses. |
The virus is constantly mutating, requiring continuous review of the appropriate vaccine. |
No mutation of virus has been observed in Hendravirus. All outbreaks have been caused by an identical virus. A highly effective vaccine has been developed against this virus. |
SOME vaccines contain dead virus particles |
Hendra vaccine contains NO VIRUS PARTICLES, DEAD OR ALIVE |
Vaccinated horses, if subsequently exposed to 'wild' virus from diseased horses CAN shed infectious virus without appearing sick. There is a risk that disease can go unnoticed in vaccinated horses. |
Vaccinated horses, even if exposed to massive challenge doses of 'live virus' DO NO HARBOUR VIRUS ANYWHERE IN THE BODY AND NEVER 'SHED' VIRUS. There is NO RISK of disease going unnoticed in vaccinated horses, and NO risk that bringing vaccinated horses to competition will endanger other people or horses |
It should also be noted that despite the "common wisdom" on the social media the vaccine is being responsibly delivered by the manufacturer under the strict supervision of an independent authority, the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.
- The vaccine is NOT 'experimental'. It is fully tested for safety and efficacy to the satisfaction of the AVPMA and has undergone several years of rigorous testing.
- No alteration in instructions for use such as injection interval or expiry date can occur until proven to be valid to the satisfaction of the APVMA
- There is NO DOUBT that the vaccine, when used according to manufacturer's directions, is HIGHLY EFFECTIVE in preventing death from Hendravirus disease in horses.
Derek Major
Head FEI Veterinarian, AUS
Board Member and Past Chairman, Equestrian NSW