EOI to represent Australia in Borrowed Horse Jumping Event (Taipei)
CSIJ-B 2017 Chinese Taipei Equestrian Association, 5–8 November 2017
Equestrian Australia has received an invitation from the Chinese Taipei Equestrian Association for one rider to compete in a borrowed horse event at the Hannover Riding Center, Taipei, Taiwan (Chinese Taipei) from 5–8 November 2017.
Equestrian Australia would like to invite members who meet the age category of 14 – 18 years of age (year of birth 1999 - 2003), to indicate their interest to compete at this competition. All interested combinations will need to complete the Expressions of Interest form.
The invite is for:
- 1 Rider, aged 14 – 18 years to compete in 110cm Show Jumping Event
- 1 Coach/Chef d’Equipe
The Show Organising Committee will provide the following:
- Borrowed Horse
- Accommodation
- Meals
- Transport to and from Airport
The Riders/Coach will be responsible for:
- Return airfares to Taipei
- Insurance (Gow Gates Insurance can assist with this)
The EA National office will provide administration support and a uniform for the selected riders.
Interested riders/coaches are required to complete the appropriate Expression of Interest (EOI) form below, and return to the National Office by email to [email protected]
EOI Forms
Applications close at 5pm Friday 15 September 2017
Please contact Kirsty at Equestrian Australia on (02) 8762 7777 or [email protected]