Equestrian Australia Endurance Committee Appointments announced for 2018/2019
Following the recent National Discipline Committee Elections, which took place as per the EA National Discipline Committee Appointment and Procedures Policy, EA is pleased to welcome back Anne Barnes and Matthew Walker to the EA Endurance Committee.
The appointments are for one term of two (2) years and are effective immediately.
Chair of the EA Endurance Committee, Linda Tanian, chose not to re-stand for a further two-year term. EA would like to thank Linda for her tireless dedication to the sport of Endurance and her wonderful contributions to the EA Endurance Committee. Linda has served on the EA Endurance Committee for a duration of four consecutive years, during which she has also held the position of Chair. The EA Endurance Committee will elect a new Chair at their next meeting.
The EA Endurance Committee Riders’ Representative, Leigh Ann Sample, has also chosen not to re-stand, leaving a vacancy for this role. EA will be calling for nominations to fill this position shortly. Leigh Ann has also served on the Committee for four years and in that time has done a commendable job in representing the interests of EA Endurance Riders and EA would like to thank her for her time and dedication.
Contact details for all current members of the EA Endurance Committee can be found HERE.