NEWS > Endurance
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 16/02/2015.

Equestrian Australia Statement - Endurance

Equestrian Australia (EA) was shocked to see images of a distressed Australian bred horse ‘Splitters Creek Bundy’ at a national endurance event in Abu Dhabi (UAE) and supports immediate action to prevent an incident depicted in the images from occurring again. 

The EA National Endurance Committee will meet with EA board representatives this week to discuss the incident and the current state of horse welfare in endurance internationally. 

The FEI has advised national federations that it is investigating the horse welfare incidents at the Al Reef endurance event and EA supports the FEI’s attention to this matter. 

Horse welfare is of the utmost importance to EA and all events, regardless of discipline or classification, should hold the highest regard for horse health and welfare.



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