NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 11/02/2012.

Equestrian Australia welcomes the release of the vaccine for Hendra virus

Equestrian Australia has welcomed the release of the breakthrough vaccine for the deadly Hendra virus that will protect both horses and humans.

The equestrian community has been one of the groups which have been impacted by the Hendra virus over the years, and Equestrian Australia has proactively supported the research in field.

Equestrian Australia CEO, Grant Baldock, said the release of the Hendra vaccine is critically important as it will save lives.

“We’ve seen the devastating effects the Hendra virus has had on people’s lives and this vaccine will not only save horses lives, but also human lives,” said Mr Baldock.

“The release of the vaccine is welcomed news for the entire equestrian community and the broader equine industry.

“This has been a long standing priority for the industry and we applaud the steps taken by scientists and pharmaceutical companies in developing a vaccine that will hopefully eradicate this virus,” he said.

Equestrian Australia will now look at how the vaccine will form part of the organisation’s risk mitigation policies and procedures for the future.

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