Member Reminder on Concussion
27 June 2019
Dear Participant Members,
Re: Members Reminder on Concussion
Equestrian Australia is putting a renewed emphasis on concussion – both how we identify and manage suspected cases.
Officials and OCs are working hard to ensure that any suspected concussions are recognised as soon as they happen, and that appropriate action and medical care is taken.
Concussion is a serious condition.
If you are suspected of having a concussion by the medical service at the event, you will be provided with an advice card as shown HERE. The provisions of which include:
- Being monitored by another adult for a period between 4 and 24 hours; and
- Not being able to drive or operate machinery until receiving medical clearance.
If you are suspected of having a concussion, please co-operate with our OCs who will facilitate these arrangements for you. The OCs will also facilitate alternate transport arrangements for you and your horses in the same way as they would if you were incapacitated through another injury.
In the event a friend or travelling companion will be able to drive you and your horses back home – please let the OC know to save them arranging alternate logistics.
To assist the OCs, please ensure your emergency contact details on your entry forms are up to date.
If you have any questions, please contact our NSO via [email protected]
Wishing you a successful and safe year of competition ahead.
Yours sincerely,
Lucy Warhurst
Chief Executive Officer