Members Update: National Equestrian Strategy and Structure Working Group
The National Equestrian Strategy and Structure Working Group (NESSWG) is responsible for the research, analysis and insight to deliver structural model recommendations to the EA board.
Much work has been conducted to develop the recommendations that deliver the best structure to support the strategy - for the greater good of our sport and our members.
Please find a summary on the process for transparency and completed work-to-date.
Summary of work on the structural model
- The working group reviewed the structural model submissions received through the voluntary administration process to understand models proposed and prevailing opinions from Equestrian stakeholders
- The working group then undertook a review and analysis of Australian sporting structures (10+ sports) and international equestrian structures (9 equestrian models) with a view to identifying the types of structural models utilised in different environments and their characteristics, along with what is working, what is possible, what is efficient, how membership models operate, revenue sources, roles of disciplines and roles of jurisdictions within those structures.
- From the research and analysis of the structural models reviewed the working group identified its elements and characteristics in order to outline potential options for structural models within Australian Equestrian
- In conjunction the working group has also received and considered the insights and feedback from the various strategic planning forums and inputs in order to ensure that the structural considerations remain cognisant of emerging strategic directions.
- The working group have also reviewed the foundations of the strategy work for the draft purpose, vision, mission, values, and strategic pillars. These foundations underpin the strategy and have recently been presented to the EA Board and will be again shared with stakeholders to finalise in the coming weeks.
Structural model criteria to serve the strategy
- Insights from the Equestrian Strategy Forum held in November 2021 developed a set of criteria to serve the strategy and guide development of the structural model.
- Based on those insights the Working Group has identified the following criteria against which potential structural models will be evaluated.
- These criteria are reviewed at each working group meeting to ensure the criteria remain relevant and fit for purpose in the development of any proposed structural models.
- Maximises efficiency and minimises duplication and waste by reducing the number of administrative bodies underpinned by reasoned whole of sport decision making and consultation
- Maximises effective and fit for purpose service delivery of the nationally aligned Equestrian strategy to and for all Members and affiliates
- Maximises engagement with members, volunteers, and clubs
- Maximises growth potential of the sport, including best enabling value add and innovative projects effectively executed to minimise risk
- Maximises effective management of stakeholder and government relationships
This criteria is currently in draft and living criteria that are revisited at each meeting as well as taking on feedback from the upcoming stakeholder workshop.
Next steps on the structural model process
- The draft structural model elements and characteristics identified by the working group are being assessed against the structural model criteria.
- The working group are awaiting feedback and insights from the upcoming strategy sessions at the EA Board and with the state presidents on 6 July.
- Once the feedback has been received a review of the draft structural model elements and characteristics will be assessed against the model criteria to further develop structural model options for consideration.
- Concurrently, to assist in the structural model development:
- An analysis of current state resource allocation (people and funds) across national, state and disciplines is being developed to identify opportunities for greater efficiency.
- A draft roles and responsibilities framework across the whole of equestrian is being prepared based on the current state and which will support the development of roles and responsibilities that will underpin the operation of the preferred structural model (once identified).
We shall provide a further update for members following the upcoming Stakeholder Workshop.