Members Update - Strategy & Structure Progress
We wish to share a member update on the progress of the Strategy and Structure work being undertaken currently for the sport.
The following items are in progress to develop the strategy since our last update in March.
- Analysis of the insights provided through the initial strategic forum and the public survey to inform a draft strategy.
- Stakeholder interviews are underway with approximately 20 x 30min sessions scheduled to gain insights and perspectives from across the community.
- A strategic workshop has been scheduled in May with stakeholders to review, discuss and formulate the purpose, vision, mission and values.
- A survey has been sent to key stakeholders with draft purpose, vision, mission statements and values to form part of the discussion for the strategic workshop.
Following the strategic workshop we will further develop the strategy and will be seeking input from the public as we finalise the strategic vision, objectives and activities for the Equestrian sport community in Australia.
In parallel, and in preparation for the identification of the structure that best enables the delivery of the strategy, the Working Group has focus on information gathering and has:
- Identified and conducted initial analysis of Australian sporting structures (10+ sports)
- Researched and conducted initial analysis of International Equestrian structures (10 Federations)
- Identified structural criteria against which potential models will be analysed
- The next Working Group is scheduled for 9 May to further review findings on international equestrian structures.
- A state and national resource review is well underway to identify existing operating models, potential efficiencies, and group buying power for common expenses.
We will look to report back on the outcomes of these steps in our next update.