NEWS > Eventing
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 20/06/2016.
File photo: Bill Levett and Improvise
Guillaume Beguin

Mixed results for Aussies at Luhmuhlen

Bill Levett has finished sixth at Luhmuhlen CCI4* and was the best positioned Australian at what was the final event before selectors meet to decide Australia’s four member eventing team for the Rio Olympic Games, which are now just 46 days away.  

Levett, riding Alexander NJ, finished with a clear round in the show jumping but picked up two time penalties which gave him an overall score of 54.60.

The 53 year old said his young horse had an exciting future.

“Alex jumped class clear show jumping today to finish sixth in his first four star. Very proud of him,” Levett said on twitter. 

Levett’s second entry, Improvise, also finished on a strong note producing a clear show jumping round which gave this combination an overall ranking of 13th.

Andrew Hoy and his London Olympic Games horse Rutherglen did not have the finish they were after, knocking three rails in the show jumping which added 12 penalties to their score.

“Very disappointing rails to end an otherwise great weekend with Rutherglen in CCI4*,” said Hoy on twitter.

In the CIC3*, Hoy’s Cheeky Calimbo added eight jumping penalties after knocking two rails and finished in 22nd position. Kevin McNab riding Step Forward finished 31st in this class.  

Back in the CCI4*, Emma Dougall, who was seventh after the cross country did not present to the second horse inspection which sadly means the end of the road for the Rio hopeful. Dougall was using Luhmuhlen to obtain qualification scores to make her eligible for Rio selection.

“Completely devastated that I won't be presenting Bear today,” Dougall said on social media. “(He) was so amazing yesterday cross country but a small injury unfortunately is going to mean no show jumping. So sorry for everyone involved who has helped and supported us,” she said. 

Aussie eventing riders now await a decision from national selectors who will decide the four member team for Rio over the coming weeks. 


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