National Serious Incident Independent Review Panel (SIIRP) EOIs
Equestrian Australia is committed to continuous improvement of Health and Safety within our sport. A National Serious Incident Independent Review Panel (SIIRP) is being developed and we are seeking expressions of interest for volunteers to be available on a register to provide expert advice to SIIRP. The areas of expertise that are being called for are:
- SIIRP Lead
- Legal
- Emergency Response Management
- Accident Analysis
- Report Writers
This role is about sharing your skills and knowledge to assist SIIRP during reviews and analyses of Serious Incident (SI) data, documents, information, and evidence, supporting logical and objectives conclusions.
You may be called upon to provide your expertise up to 4-6 times annually to assist SIIRP.
Please click HERE for preferred criteria for nominations in the Terms of Reference.
Please click HERE to submit your nomination by 6th December 2023.
Any further questions please email [email protected]