New Concussion Stand Down Periods
As you may already be aware, the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) in response to growing international evidence concerning the effects of concussion, their own medical advice and the recommendations of a Federal Parliament Senate Committee into concussions and repeated head trauma have released an updated “Concussion and Brain Health Position Statement 2024” on Feb 1st 2024.
Following a consultation process with discipline committees and State CEOs, Equestrian Australia has decided to fully support the AIS position statement and will implement the revised stand down periods and return to play protocols effective from Saturday March 16th.
The updated Position Statement provides clear return to sport timelines by extending the minimum stand down period for both youth (those under the age of 19 years) and community sport following a sport-related concussion.
The updated position statement includes a mandatory 21 day stand down period from competitive sport for both youth and community athletes, based on current evidence and best practice from international sporting organisations. This policy is consistent with those of peak sports bodies in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
A Graded Return to Sport Framework is detailed to give guidance on how to manage a return to work/study, training and eventually competitive sport; the framework includes a fourteen-day symptom free period before return to competitive sport.
Individual athletes should be guided by their Health Care Professional as they progress through their Graded Return to Sport Framework.
As per current practice, a written medical clearance from a Health Care Professional and completion of the minimum standdown period are required before being allowed to compete again.
No changes to the reporting processes or the requirement for a medical clearance before return to competition are envisaged. Changes are required to various documents including the General Regulations, and some information on the EA Website as well as to Officials’ and Coaches’ training materials. These changes will happen shortly but will not affect the implementation of the new stand down periods.
Thank you for your continued support in implementing EA’s concussion policy.
George Proimos, Chair, EA Health Safety and Welfare Committee
Tess Goodwin, Chief Medical Officer