NEWS > General
Posted by Christine Armishaw on 01/02/2022.

NIF Child Safeguarding Policy Roll-Out Commencing at Jumping Championships

With the recent adoption of the National Integrity Framework (NIF) policy suite, Equestrian Australia is set to trial the Child Safeguarding Policy at the upcoming 2021 Pryde's Easifeed Australian Jumping Championships being held at Boneo Park this week.

The event, which runs from Wednesday 2nd to Sunday 6th of February 2022, will be the first to trial the implementation of the new NIF Child Safeguarding Policy. It will be a requirement that all attending coaches of athletes under 18 years of age are to provide their Working with Children Check (WWCC), or equivalent in their State, keeping the safety and security of our younger members a top priority. There will also be a Child Safeguarding Officer on-site. 

“The National Integrity Framework policy suite enables us to offer a best-in-class level of protection to our members,” said EA CEO, Darren Gocher.

This is a huge step forward towards improving member protection Equestrian, with EA being a frontrunner across sport in Australia with the adoption of the new NIF strategy. 

Please remember everyone from athletes, parents, coaches, officials and supporters play a role in protecting the integrity of our sport.

If you see something, say something!

To report a concern or make a complaint about breaches under the National Integrity Framework

Hotline: 1300 027 232 

Report Form: - click on ‘Report an Integrity Issue’

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