Paralympian Sue-Ellen Lovett rides against cancer
As a cancer survivor herself, blind Paralympian Sue-Ellen Lovett is riding through Central West NSW to raise money for a cause passionate to her heart.
Sue-Ellen’s goal for 2018 is to raise money for the new Integrated Wellness Centre to be located within the Oncology Department of Dubbo Base Hospital. The ride will be taking place between October 6, 2018, and October 21, 2018. The ride will take Sue-Ellen across the region, visiting the communities of Dubbo, Geurie, Wellington, Goolma, Mudgee, Gulgong, Dunedoo, Coolah, Binnaway, Mendooran, Gilgandra, Collie, Warren, Trangie and Narromine.
The ride will cover more than 800kms, starting in Dubbo then travelling through Central West NSW and finishing at Dubbo Racecourse. Functions with entertainment and auctions will be held in each town.
Sue-Ellen, riding trusty Australian Stock horses with her amazing guide dog Armani, will be guided by her vigilant sighted guides mounted on Australian Thoroughbred horses supplied by Racing NSW from their re-homing programme for ex-racehorses. She will add this to her previous nine long distance rides, having ridden in excess of 16,000kms and raising over 3.1 million dollars for worthy causes, reinforcing to all, that being blind does not stop you from making a difference.
More about Sue-Ellen Lovett
From humble beginnings growing up on a farm near Mudgee, Sue-Ellen had visions of representing her country. She knew what she had to do, how to do it but had no idea it would take her on the journey she has travelled thus far. Her vision was much more than just seeing. "If I can just help one person achieve their potential then it is all worth it.”
As well as representing Australia, Sue-Ellen is already an accomplished fundraiser. She has completed an incredible nine long-distance horse rides, covering 16,000km, raising a phenomenal $3.1 million for organisations such as Guide Dogs NSW, Sydney Paralympian Committee, Riding for the Disabled, Children’s Cancer Unit and Lions Save Sight.
Some of her recognitions, awards and achievements include:
- 1996 Atlanta Paralympian
- 1999 Member of the Bronze winning Australian Team at the Denmark World Dressage Championships
- 2000 Placed 5th in the Sydney Paralympics Freestyle to Music event
- 2000 Made Life Member of Equestrian Australia
- 2000 Ministerial Sport Award
- 2004 Australian Sports Medal
- 2009- 2013 Qualified for the Competition Dressage International in Sydney
The Integrated Wellness Centre
The new Integrated Wellness Centre at Dubbo Base Hospital will focus on cutting-edge oncology treatments as well as research. There will be four main components to the centre:
- Diagnosis - Early imaging and pathological diagnosis.
- Treatment - Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and survivorship at one site.
- Research – Giving patients access to clinical trials and cutting edge treatments.
- Education – Raising awareness about cancer prevention, detection and treatment.
Mudgee Lions Club is the coordinator of the ride, once again.
Donations can be made via funds transfer to the following:
- Mudgee Lions Club
- BSB: 082 726
- Account number: 631002002
- Reference: Ride Against Cancer