NEWS > General
Posted by Jo Jennings on 03/08/2023.

Property Identification Code (PIC) - what you need to know

Many Equestrian Australia Members are property owners, horse owners, breeders and/or conduct other equine activities on a property where horses are kept.

The identification and registration of such properties ensures that those responsible for horse health are informed of matters concerning them.  With the recent news of unexplained horse deaths in Victoria, this reminder to all horse property owners/managers is timely and in the best interest of prudent equine management.

In 2007 Australia experienced an outbreak of Equine Influenza and the Property Identification Code (PIC) system allowed authorities to disseminate news and information about the disease, travel restrictions, veterinary updates and recommendations. 

A Property Identification Code (PIC) is an eight-character code allocated by the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) or an equivalent authority in each state or territory to identify a livestock-producing property. Producers must have a PIC to move livestock on and off a property – it forms the basis of Australia’s food safety and traceability programs.  

There are differences between states and territories in how PICs are managed. In some states, amalgamation of separate PICs owned by the same entity, into a single PIC, is allowed. In other states, one property can be issued multiple PICs if there are livestock owned by multiple entities on the property. It is important to understand the requirements for your state or territory.

Be sure you understand the PIC system and register with the appropriate organisation in your state.

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