Rule Updates
Article 169 – Penalties
7.1. Award of Yellow Card. In cases of offences mentioned in paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3 above and which are of a less serious nature, any member of the Ground Jury or official as per the respective sport discipline rules pertaining to yellow warning cards, may award a Yellow Warning Card to the Person Responsible.
The official who awards the Yellow Warning Card must notify the Person Responsible, the Ground Jury and the CEO of the Yellow Warning Card as soon as possible.
The Yellow Warning Card is to be delivered personally during the Period of the Event. If for any reason that is not possible, then the Yellow Warning Card must be provided to the Person Responsible within fourteen (14) days by mail or email or other suitable means.
A Yellow Warning Card may be issued in addition to any other sanction(s) that may be issued in accordance with these GRs and/or the relevant Sport Rules.
1.5.1 A Yellow Warning Card may be imposed on the parties concerned or the Person Responsible (PR) for the following:
(e ) The following officials including, FEI and National-accredited Stewards, EA Technical Delegates, FEI-accredited Judges and EA National Judge Educators have the authority to issue a Yellow Warning Card to a PR when officiating at an Event.
They can be given either by hand or any other suitable means and will state the reason for the penalty. Note that Rule 1.3.2 also provides for elimination by the Chief Judge of a competition for Abusive Riding of a Horse.