Safety Data Collection
The Form 08 system is proving effective in recording the number and type of safety incidents occurring in our various disciplines - outside of Eventing we have not had a way of relating it to the amount of activity occurring.
After extensive consultation with State CEOs and Jumping Committees, EA has modified the existing Form 08 to include a sixth reporting option to allow show organisers or administrators to enter the total number of entries (each height class a horse competes in is regarded as a separate entry).
This will allow tracking of:
- The rate of incidents vs the number of entries over time, to give a truer picture of the risk rather than just the raw numbers of incidents
- the effects on safety performance of any changes or safety initiatives the EA discipline committee may introduce.
The existing incident reporting system (Form 08) has been modified to add a sixth category (option 6) to report event entry numbers.
The data entry should be self-explanatory once that option has been selected on the form.
The key point is that if a horse enters two height classes that should be counted as 2 entries.
At this point we are only looking for total entries per event.
The exact implementation in each state will be determined by the State Discipline Committee but it must be done for every competition.
Instructions regarding data entry can be found HERE.
We expect every state to be fully operational for Jumping by August 1st 2024 and anticipate working with the other disciplines to utilise a similar process shortly thereafter.
For any questions please contact [email protected]