NEWS > General
Posted by National Admin on 12/04/2019.

Sport Australia Urges Sports to Stand Against Discrimination

Sport Australia CEO Kate Palmer is urging all sports to take a strong stance against any form of discrimination and vilification to ensure safer sporting environments for all Australians.

Palmer commends Rugby Australia for its strong response to comments from player Israel Folau that contradicted the sport’s values.

“Discrimination is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated in any sport or recreation environment, at whatever level,” Palmer says.

“Everyone is entitled to their own views, but expressing divisive and discriminatory beliefs is harmful to sport and the broader Australian community.

“When people of influence use their public profiles to demean and discriminate, we cannot allow such divisive comments to go unchecked.

“As a sporting industry, we must stand together and call out against any form of discrimination whether it is based on sexuality, race, gender or disability.

“Sport Australia’s message is that sport and physical activity is to be enjoyed by everyone. We stand for inclusivity, diversity and sport for all.

“I commend Rugby Australia, they have shown they are willing to place their sport’s values above all else.”

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