Updated FEI Veterinary Regulations For Recording Horse Temperature
A number of significant amendments were passed at the recent FEI Extraordinary and Ordinary General Assemblies, including adjustments to the FEI General Regulations and Statutes, effective globally 1 January 2022.
Notable modifications to the FEI Veterinary Regulations, which apply to all FEI disciplines, include those related to the recording of a Horse's temperature before and during competition.
We wish to highlight two important changes to the FEI Veterinary Regulations, as follows:
Article No. 1031 – Examination on arrival
3. d) ensure an FEI Equine Health Self-Certification form has been completed in the FEI HorseApp for each Horse entering the FEI Stables Area and that the Horse’s rectal temperature has been recorded in the FEI HorseApp twice daily for 3 days prior to the Horse’s arrival at the Event;
(*note: 3 days prior does not include day of arrival)
Article No. 1029 – Biosecurity at FEI Events
2. While Horses are present on the Event venue, their rectal temperature must be taken at least twice daily and recorded by the PR using the FEI HorseApp. Any change in the health status of the Horse should be immediately reported to the VD.
FEI HorseApp
A Horse’s rectal temperature record and self-certification document must be recorded and completed using the FEI HorseApp.
The FEI HorseApp contains various modules to manage FEI Horses, including traceability features and monitoring of horse health at FEI Events.
The FEI HorseApp has been designed to allow multiple users and can be downloaded here.
Sanctions will be administered by the FEI for failure to comply with the FEI Veterinary Regulations.
Further information on the sanctions that may be issued can be found here.
** Please note that those competing in Mainland Europe are currently required to record the Horse’s temperature 10 days prior to arrival (*note: 10 days prior does not include day of arrival) at a competition under the EHV-1 By-Laws found here.
This requirement will remain in place until the global implementation of the new FEI Veterinary Regulations on 1 January 2022.
All athletes and Persons Responsible should ensure they are familiar with ALL changes to the FEI Veterinary Regulations, a summary of which can be found here.