VOLUNTEER OF THE MONTH is a regular series on our website. It is a way of highlighting the tireless Equestrian Australia volunteers from across all disciplines, who help keep our sport running smoothly, all over Australia.
This month we say THANK YOU to Marlene Kinder of the Equestrian Western Australia Show Horse Committee. Thanks Marlene!
Marlene is a very hardworking committee member who creates and produces all the floral garlands for the EWA Show Horse shows.
But that’s not all, Marlene is a fundraising extraordinaire. Last year, Marlene singlehandedly raised a total of $19,000 toward funding the EWA Horse of the Year Show.
This year, she is well on track to reach her goal again. Marlene has already raised approximately $8000 toward funding the 2019 Horse of the Year Show, which is being held in September.
Marlene and a helper adding some finishing touches to a cake
Apart from her fundraising talents, Marlene is a very genuine person and possesses a disposition which makes her a pleasure to work with.
She is a valued member of the EWA Show Horse committee. "We would find it difficult to do without her. We welcome the opportunity to show our appreciation publicly," said Val Mayger, Chair of EWA Show Horse committee.
Thank you, Marlene, for being a member of this wonderful army of volunteers that contribute so much to our sport.