NEWS > Vaulting
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 15/12/2014.

WA Vaulters Enjoy Csandl and Hocking Vaulting Clinic

From the 5th to the 7th of December, WA vaulters were lucky enough to have Stefan Csandl from Austria and Jamie Hocking from South Australia do a vaulting clinic which was hosted by REVA (Ripplebrook Equestrian Vaulting Academy).

11 athletes from 3 WA clubs trained and worked hard on Ripplebrook’s three horses, focusing mostly on the technical components of vaulting.  A training session on the beach to watch the sunset was a beautiful way to bring everyone together. EWA’s CEO Angela Doyle even had a shot, getting instruction from Stefan on the barrel. Much  was learnt and fun was had by all. It was a weekend very well spent.

We would like to thank everyone who helped, including EWA and the State Equestrian Centre staff for letting us use their beautiful facilities.

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