NEWS > Dressage
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 09/10/2014.

Calling for Nominations to the ADJC

The Australian Dressage Judges Committee (ADJC) will have three positions up for nomination as per the process outlined in the EA Committee Bylaws.

The Current ADJC is:

  •  Kim Thomas (Chair) to 31/12/16
  •  Maria Schwennesen to 31/12/16
  •  Mary Seefried to 31/12/14 (not eligible to reapply for 12 months)
  •  Lesley Sullivan to 31/12/14 (eligible to reapply)
  • plus 1 vacancy as a result of Jan Geary’s resignation in June 2014.

All 3 vacancies are for a 3 year term from 1/1/15.

This is a skills-based committee which reports to the Australian Dressage Committee (ADC) and EA Board and is responsible for policy and monitoring application of policy for:

  • education, assessment and accreditation examinations of national dressage judges, including Para Equestrian and Para dressage, in Australia
  • selection, development of programs and mentoring of suitable National A level dressage judges who wish to become FEI accredited
  • final arbiter in issues related to judging standards and judges which have not been resolved by SDAs. (These are not cases that would be subject to a disciplinary tribunal established under the EA Disciplinary By-laws or related to the EA Member Protection Policy)
  • assist in development and implementation of National Judges Seminars list
  • assist in conduct of National and International forums for Judges, Judge Educators and Mentors
  • provides support to SDA’s in relation to judging issues and judge education issues Membership

The ADJC shall meet face to face at least twice per yearand business between meetings can be conducted and concluded via email and/or teleconference.

The first ADJC meeting for 2015 is scheduled for 14th February 2015.

All members of the ADJC must be an accredited official EA dressage judge with current membership and be an active Judge Educator.

Selection Committee

  • the ADC will appoint a selection committee of 3 persons comprising the ADC Chair, a member of the EA Board and the Chair of one of the SDAs, to consider all applicants and recommend to the ADC the ADJC committee members for the ensuing 3 years. Applicants must submit an application and a resume outlining their level and years of experience as a judge, any committee appointments and any policy making experience
  • the selection committee should consider all relevant aspects including the level of contribution, interest and time available to dedicate to attend to ADJC matters

To apply please complete the Nomination form and Resume template and return to the Gina Haddad by November 15 2014. Late applications will not be accepted.

2014 ADJC Nomination Form.pdf

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