INSIGHT - Officials' Jumping clinic
A Free Clinic for Jumping Officials was held at the Sydney International Equestrian Centre on the 11-12th April 2015.
Equestrian Australia Education Manager, Gina Haddad, was present and provided us with an insight into her time at this clinic ...
"The jumping clinic was a joint initiative for National Jumping Officials conducted by Equestrian Australia, Equestrian NSW and Jumping NSW. The clinic was organized for Jumping Course Designers and Judges and catered for both new and existing officials. Courses were run for new officials to achieve accreditation as EA Course Designers and Jumping Judges as well as Refresher courses for EA Jumping Officials to maintain their accreditation.
This was conducted at SIEC ( Sydney International Equestrian Centre) at Horsley Park NSW and attracted more than 60 officials from all over Australia. The Course Designer training was presented by Brad Longhurst and Graeme Watts and the Judges courses were presented by Michael Archer and Jan Golding. A session on the Jumping Judges Dashboard scoring system was also presented on Saturday afternoon by Ashleigh O'Neill.
The National Course was conducted alongside an FEI Jumping Course Designers Refresher Seminar for Level 2 and 3 Course Designers presented by International FEI 5* Course designer Werner Deeg (GER).
On the Saturday Evening Werner Deeg presented an informative and entertaining masterclass to an appreciative audience of approximately 70 people after a BBQ kindly hosted by ENSW. The feedback from participants has been very positive."
This clinic was designed for:
- New EA Level 1 Course Designers and EA Level 1, 2 and 3 Re-accreditation
- New EA Level 1 Judges and EA Level 1,2 and 3 Re-accreditation
Gina Haddad, Equestrian Australia Education Manager