NEWS > General
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 11/10/2016.

2016 Equestrian Australia AGM and Board Announcement

The Equestrian Australia (EA) Annual General Meeting was held in Sydney on Saturday, bringing together EA’s state branch members for an annual review of the organisation’s operations.

State representatives were presented with the EA Annual Report and an address from Chief Executive Officer, Paula Ward, on the organisation’s key achievements. “We’ve had a year with many challenges, opportunities and achievements, and there is still much to be done. Collaborating to build a strong foundation to shape a sustainable future for equestrian in Australia is our key priority. To that end, I’m looking forward to continuing to work closely with the EA Board, as well as with our State Branches and National Committees.”

To view the EA 2015-2016 Annual Report - click here.

Judy Fasher and David Lindh were elected to General Director roles on the Board at the AGM and at the Board meeting the following day, Judy was appointed to the position of Chair.

In accordance with the EA constitution, the first meeting of the Board following an AGM allows Directors to vote on the positions of Chair as well as the sub committees.

Both Judy Fasher and David Lindh joined the Board in a casual vacancy capacity, so this will be their first term as appointed Board members.

The National Board is appointed by EA’s members (the EA State Branches) from nominations received from the EA membership. Elected Directors may serve three consecutive three-year terms.

"I accept with humility my re-election to the Board of EA. Together with our State Branches and National Discipline Committees, your board aims to support new initiatives, ensure fairness, service to members and great competitions for riders.

In accepting the position of Chair, from my fellow directors I recognise the momentous responsibility I have.

The EA Board are a united group of volunteers who are committed to offer our combined skills to provide support to win medals for our country and to serve the seven sports who are our partners.

Fellow members, as your Chair, my thanks for your confidence, together our combined hopes and ambitions for our sport will be realised" said Judy Fasher. 

The Equestrian Australia Board :

Judy Fasher (Chair)
Mark Arthur
Leigh Clifford
Mark Hopkinson
David Lindh
Gillian Rolton
Daniel Stoneman
Christopher Styring

EA Board Sub committees* :

  • ICDF Committee - Mark Arthur, Daniel Stoneman and Christopher Styring
  • Remuneration Committee - Judy Fasher, David Lindh, Mark Arthur and Leigh Clifford
  • Finance, Audit & Risk Management Committee - Leigh Clifford, David Lindh, Mark Arthur and Ellen Lambridis
  • Commercial Committee - Christopher Styring, Gillian Rolton, Daniel Stoneman and Mark Hopkinson

*Please note there are other informal committees that operate within the EA Board

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