Coaching Names survey results
A HUGE thank you to all those coaches who took the time to complete the NCAS Review survey.
The survey encompassed key questions from the working parties on what the direction of equestrian coaching should take and other considerations about lapsed coaches and coaches wanting to progress. The survey also included questions about the name change recommendation put forward in April. Based on the feedback so far from the community the choice of names has caused some healthy debate. Below is a summary of the Name Change survey results.
EA NCAS Name Change
1) 66% of survey respondents answered YES to the question: “Are you open to a name change for the Equestrian NCAS Coaching Pathway ?”
2) Based on the suggestions below what is your level of satisfaction?
3) What name would you like to be associated with the first level of coaching?
4) What name would you like to be associated with the second level of coaching?
5) What name would you like to be associated with the third level of coaching?
6) What name would you like to be associated with the fourth level of coaching?
Based on the above results, the outcome of the name change will be the following:
- Foundation Coach
- Intermediate Coach
- Advanced Coach
- High Performance Coach
Adjustments will be made to the pathway and work will continue to develop on a coaching resume to market and endorse all of our coaches in the pathway.
The working parties are busy finalising the assessment criteria for the Horse Management modules and these will be released in the next few weeks for review.
Scoping for an appropriate Learning Management system continues and we are getting closer to finalising the requirements for this.
Thank you to our community for the participation in the survey which has given more insight into which direction you would like to see the sport progress and we will continue to keep you up to date with all the developments.
Some of the comments from the survey are as follows:
“I think these names describe what the coaches at each level are expected to be teaching.”
“Seems very self-explanatory”
“Easily to understand by the equestrian community as well as people not involved in our sport.”
“I think the coaching levels are better explained in these titles “
"Foundation coach embraces everyone. Intermediate and Advanced coach is obviously stepping up from Foundation coaching. High Performance says it all"
“These names are progressive”
“I think it is time for the equestrian community to evolve and develop, yes we have had the same names for 30 years so it is a time for a refresh and to move with the times.”
“If better marketing is done by EA these names are very clear and it will help grow our businesses and the sport”