EA Chair Statement to Members
At a meeting held on Thursday 12 December 2018, the Board of Equestrian Australia (EA) decided to convene a special general meeting (SGM) on 4 March 2019. This is in accordance with clause 12.1 of the EA Constitution. Notice has today been given to the EA Branches.
As members EA wish to advise you the general business to be discussed at the SGM is whether Judy Fasher, EA Chair, David Lindh and Colin Chantler (the Directors concerned) should be removed from their positions of office as Directors of EA.
The chairs of the five state branches (the Five Chairs) who called for the directors’ removal gave as their reason that they had ‘lost confidence’ in the directors. The Directors concerned have not been communicated with by the Five Chairs giving reason or basis to the reference to a loss of confidence.
Removal of the Directors concerned from their position is a very serious matter which should not be undertaken lightly, especially with no reason yet given to the Directors concerned for their removal.
Please contact your EA Branch directly if you wish to have a voice regarding EA’s governance as best practice, and if you wish your Branch delegate to remove the Directors concerned, or otherwise. Your Branch board is your representative on EA matters.
On behalf of the Board of EA may I wish you all a very good, and safe Christmas.
Judy Fasher, Chair
Equestrian Australia