NEWS > General
Posted by National Admin on 08/05/2019.

Gender Equality, Tokyo 2020, FEI Legal System, Reining & Endurance Take Centre Stage at FEI Sports Forum 2019

The eighth edition of the FEI Sports Forum, held at the IMD Business School in Lausanne (SUI) on 15-16 April, attracted 265 delegates for a two-day programme covering a diverse array of topics.

The Forum began with a thought-provoking session dedicated to gender equality and female representation in governance-related positions (Committees, National Federations, etc.) and the benefits of diversity at the decision-making level. Among the guest speakers on this panel, Caitlyn Kraft-Buchanan, Founder/Executive Director of Women@The Table and Co-Founder of the International Gender Champions Network, shared her valuable experience and expertise in the area and detailed techniques that can be applied to address imbalance and encourage greater diversity and gender equality.

The Tokyo 2020 session provided delegates with an update on the progress of the two equestrian sites and scheduling as well as a detailed presentation on optimising performance in a challenging climate, for both equine and human athletes, as well as officials and spectators, using planned climate mitigation protocols in Tokyo.

Consultation and transparency were at the core of the third session of the day with proposed reforms to the FEI Legal System in order to achieve greater clarity and harmonisation as well as more cost-effective processes.

Reining and Endurance were the two discipline focused sessions for the 2019 FEI Sports Forum. Discussions on the future of Reining, in the closing session of the first day, revealed a general interest in rebuilding the discipline from the grassroots level, with youth as the central building block.

The second day was devoted solely to Endurance. Proposed rule changes based on horsemanship and horse welfare were presented to delegates and generated lively discussion. The feedback from the Sports Forum will be incorporated into proposed rule modifications which will go through a full consultation process with National Federations and stakeholders prior to a vote at the FEI General Assembly 2019 in Moscow (RUS) in November.

Watch on Replay, executive summaries, supporting documents and photos

Each session has a dedicated page on Inside FEI with a player so that you can watch on replay alongside extensive supporting documentation such as key quotes and takeaways from the session, reference documents, photos and background information as well as the newly published executive summaries. The executive summaries for all the sessions are included at the end of each dedicated page as PDF attachments. Note that for the topic of Endurance, as this was covered over sessions 5,6,7 and 8 – each of these session pages have their own dedicated executive summaries.

All the images can be found here.


Reopening of application period - Member on the FEI Nominations Committee representing Regional Group IV


Following the deadline of 1 May to send nominations for the 2019 Elections and Appointments, the FEI has not received any candidacies for the open position “Member of the FEI Nominations Committee representing Regional Group IV”. As a result, the window for application has been reopened.
The job specification for the position is attached for your convenience and can also be found on  
National Federations are invited to send their applications no later than 3 June 2019 23:59 CEST.
We remind you that a candidacy must be composed of:

  • Official CV form (attached)
  • Letter of motivation from the candidate
  • Letter of endorsement from the NF of the candidate

Thank you for sending the completed application files to the FEI Nominations Committee Senior Officer [email protected].
Should you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact Julie Schlaefli.

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