Call for Nominations of Elected Directors
6 September 2019
Dear Participating Members
Nomination of Elected Directors - Participating Members
I am writing to inform you that at the forthcoming 2019 Annual General Meeting of Equestrian Australia Limited (ACN 077 455 755) (EA) there will be vacancies for the position of 'Elected Director', being a director appointed by a vote of the Branches. Although Elected Directors are appointed by a vote of the Branches, Participating Members are entitled to nominate persons to be considered by the Branches to fill any vacancies for Elected Directors.
There are two vacancies for election of elected directors to the EA Board in 2019. The EA Nomination Committee will review the skills and experience of the candidates and make recommendations to State branches prior to the election of directors a the 2019 AGM.
In accordance with rule 21.2 of the Equestrian Australia constitution, nominations are now being sought from Branches and Participating Members for the vacant Elected Director positions.
Should you wish to nominate someone to fill the position of Elected Director, please complete the nomination form by clicking the button below. Each person who is nominated for the position of Elected Director must satisfy the eligibility requirements set out in rules 21.1 and 21.2 of Equestrian Australia's constitution.
A person nominated for the position of Elected Director will not become an Elected Director of Equestrian Australia unless and until they are elected by the Branches to that position at the 2019 Annual General Meeting.
Please note that for a nomination by a Participating Member to be valid, a duly completed nomination form must be returned to Equestrian Australia by email to [email protected] by no later than COB (AEST) Wednesday, 2 October 2019.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or wish to discuss the nominations process further.
Yours faithfully,
Lucy Warhurst
Chief Executive Officer