Endurance Horses - What passports are required to compete at FEI Endurance Events

Below is a summary of what is needed to register your Endurance Horse with the FEI:

  • Every horse, rider and trainer wanting to compete in an FEI / CEI event must be registered with the FEI.  Complete the FEI Registration form and pay  the FEI fee per horse, per rider, per rider/trainer or per trainer. This form is available at HERE. This is an annual fee, so please ensure that the rider, trainer and horse are current members.  This information is processed by Equestrian Australia on behalf of the FEI. Please remember you must also be a member of you local EA State Branch. 


  • Please allow a MINIMUM of 4 weeks before your event to complete the passport order process.
  • Riders competing at an FEI level are required to be current financial members of the State EA body and have an EA Membership Number, as well as their AERA membership.
  • If the horse is going to compete in Australia it must have a minimum of base registration with the State EA Branch to obtain an EA National or FEI passport.
  • If the horse is going to be exported and will NEVER compete in Australia, the horse may have either AERA, Arabian Horse Society or EA registration. One of these registrations are required.
  • All horses must be microchipped.
  • To complete at FEI level in Australia, horses must have an EA National Passport or an FEI Passport. *However, if a horse was FEI registered before 2017, they only require FEI registration. 
  • An EA National Passport allows a horse to compete within Australia in CEI1*, CEIYJ1*, CEIYJ2*, & CEI2* CIM  (distance between 120-126km) events. The cost of a New EA National Passport is currently $200 and has a lifetime validity. 
  • For a horse to compete in CEI2* and CEI3* and above events if the horse already has an EA National Passport, they would also apply for an FEI Recognition Card. The cost of an FEI Recognition Card is $390 for a 4 year period.
  • Alternatively instead of a EA National Passport a horse can apply directly for an FEI Passport and compete at all FEI levels. The cost of an FEI Passport is $390 for a 4 year period.
  • A veterinary identification is required for the initial issue of either an EA National or FEI Passport.
  • To save on costs, when you are arranging your EA Base Horse Registration, order your EA National Passport or FEI Passport at the same time and in that way you will only need the vet to attend once and complete both documents at the same time. However, until the EA Base Registration is completed, the EA National/ FEI Passport cannot be processed into the FEI database. 
  • When an FEI Recognition Card is added to an EA National Passport, there is no need for the veterinary identification to be completed again. 
  • Any renewal of an FEI Recognition Card or FEI Passport does not require additional veterinary identification.
  • To apply for an EA National Passport or FEI Recognition Card, or FEI Passport click HERE
  • To compete at FEI Endurance Rides, Riders and Horse must also meet the FEI Novice Qualification requirements. To find out more about the Novice Qualification requirements please click on the following link: https://www.equestrian.org.au/news/fei-endurance-novice-qualifications 

If you have questions about this process, please email [email protected] or call on (02) 8762-7777