New Eventing Officials Seminars Underway in WA
Last weekend, the very successful Fairbridge Event played host to the first of the new-format Eventing Officials Seminars to be run in WA.
Run over a full two days and working to a set agenda, the seminar uses the event as a background for classroom discussion and as a basis for hands-on exercises and observation. Participants are educated in the practical aspects of running an event, such as Serious Incident Management Plan (SIMP) meetings and fence judge briefings.
Officials getting hands-on during the seminar
More than a dozen enthusiastic local officials attended the full two days, along with presenters Sylvia Roberts, Course Designer (CD) Specialist and Roger Kane, Technical Delegate (TD) Specialist.
These seminars form a key part of an eventing official's development and offer the opportunity to learn in a practical setting. They also enable the officials to share experiences with presenters and other seminar attendees.
Thanks go to Jacinta Withoud for the exemplary organisation and to the Fairbridge Organising Committee and Officials for allowing us to use their event.