EVENTS > Dressage
Posted by Equestrian Australia on 12/02/2020.
Add to your Calendar 03-05-2020 00:00:00 03-05-2020 00:00:00 Australia/Sydney - CANCELLED - Sydney CDI Workshop - CANCELLED - Sydney CDI Workshop Location not provided
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3rd May 2020

- CANCELLED - Sydney CDI Workshop

Educational Workshop - Sunday, 3 May 2020

Sydney International Equestrian Centre, Indoor Arena 

The top line up of presenters will provide an interesting and educational experience for all who attend.

Presenters include:  Mr Christof Umbach (FEI 5* LUX), Mrs Susan Hoevenaars (FEI 5* Australia), Dr Mike Tomlinson (FEI Veterinarian USA).

Download the flyer here for more information: Workshop flyer CDI 2020.pdf

• Judges of all levels, coaches, riders and dressage enthusiasts are all invited to attend. 

• A receipt/certificate of attendance will be issued on the day for re-accreditation purposes.  A full day must be completed.

• For re-accreditation purposes, this Forum is classed as a Workshop. 

Registration 9.00am for a 9.30am start, to approx 3.00pm.

Enquiries: Sue Cunningham e-mail:  [email protected]  ph: 0419 203 346 or Julie Jones email:  [email protected] 

To save time at the Registration point, online bookings are preferred.

Booking form: CDI_2020_Workshop_Booking_Form.docx