April 2020 EA Health and Safety Update
Equestrian Australia has maintained a continued focus on the development of a COVID-19 Risk Recovery Response Plan 2020, along with the assistance of key stakeholders, having representation from National, State, High Performance and our National Discipline Committees.
Our aim is to facilitate a safe and sustainable return to equestrian sport as early as possible, with a planned and supported approach for our members and event committees.
In the meantime, at the National Office, we have been busy investigating opportunities for the introduction and integration of online training packages and a critical incident-crisis management framework (guided by the Australian Institute of Sport). We have also been updating and streamlining some of our existing data collection and reporting processes.
The good news is in EA business operations, we have had some time to share and listen to our member and stakeholder needs. These, combined with staff ideas, are enabling us to plan and action some new projects and exciting health and safety initiatives, to assist us all when we resume our sport.
Stay safe and keep focused on what we all need to be doing right now; that way we will be back in the saddle before we know it and the COVID-19 interruption will be history!
Meredith Chapman
EA National Safety Manager