NEWS > General
Posted by Christine Armishaw on 28/04/2020.

EA Looking to the Future with Strategy Development

For the past 18 months EA has engaged with our state branches and the national discipline and coaching committees about the strategic directions they would like to see for our sport for the next five years.

Acknowledging it will never be possible to achieve a “perfect” plan for a sport as diverse as ours and in this ever-changing world, the EA Board has endorsed four strategic themes to guide our development and effort.

The objective is to focus direction and priorities so that we can achieve the best possible outcomes for our very diverse group of members.

The themes are accompanied by indicators of what we believe success would look like.

Likely implementation approaches are included in the plan as discussion starters.

Importantly, this is a five-year change agenda which will take time to refine and embed.

Our broad engagement plan includes: 

  • Working with the state CEOs to develop and implement actions to deliver on the risk and compliance and sustainability and efficiency strategies.
  • Consulting with the national discipline committees about implementation of the pathways strategies.
  • Consulting more broadly with the membership about implementation of the governance and culture strategies.

The Board of EA is committed to continuously improving the way we do things to ensure we can provide services that meet our members' needs and expectations.

EA exists to provide leadership, pathways and safe participation for our members.

Over the years some people have found fault with the culture and some of the practices at EA. When we consulted with stakeholders, they agreed we needed to be clear about what we stand for.

These values seek to clarify what we believe is important for all members of our sport:

  • Moral and ethical – principled adherence to standards
  • Professional – obligations accepted and implemented
  • Transparent – accountable for actions
  • Inclusive – ‘fair play’ focus
  • Wellbeing – the health and welfare of members and horses

As we start to move to a new future for EA, we look forward to the contributions from our members of solutions about how we can work together to achieve our vision of excellence in sporting conduct and horse welfare.

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