General FAQ on Dressage Judge Re-accreditation

What are my compulsory requirements?

Refer to rule 12.9 in the EA Dressage Rules they include the following:

  • a seminar at your accredited judging level every 3 years (if you are also a YH or Para judge you must have attended a YH or Para seminar during the period)
  • 2 workshops (1 in each of the non seminar years)
  • Judge 6 Official competitions at you accredited level e.g. if you a Medium level judge then these 6 competitions must be a Medium level
  • Judge 6 other competitions at any level up to your accredited level
  • If you are a YH judge you must also have judged at least 1 YH competition over the period

What is the best way for me to keep track of what I have completed?

There is a an Updating Diary on the EA website and you can find it HERE it is the first document under General Reference Documents

When will the re-accrediation paperwork be sent to Judges?

It is proposed to forward the re-accrediation paperwork to judges approximately 1 February 2022 and judges will have until 31/3/22 (2months) to complete the process. This paperwork will be done via e-mail so you need to make sure that your e-mail details on the EA Judges Search are correct.

What paperwork will I actually have to complete in relation to my re-accreditation?

You will have to complete the ORBT applicable to your accredited level and you will have to complete 2 forms – it is important that both forms that you receive are completed and returned.

What happens if my paperwork is not completed prior to 31/3/22?

As your current accreditation is through to 31/3/22 you will automatically ‘drop off’ the judges list until such time as you send in your re-accreditation paperwork and it is processed. Whilst you are not on the judges list you will be ineligible to do any judging until such time as you are re-instated.

In relation to seminar and workshop attendance what additional paperwork will I need to forward with my completed re-accreditation forms?

None. Do not send in attendance certificates – If there is a query you may be asked to provide proof about a seminar or workshop and then it may be necessary to send in an attendance certificate. Just provide the required information as per the form.

In relation to judging what additional paperwork will I need to send in with my completed re-accreditation forms?

None. Do not send in copies of draws, results sheets, invitations to judge etc. Just provide the required information as per the form.

How can I find out if I have met my seminar and workshop requirements?

Send Lesley an e-mail to [email protected] and she will be happy to provide you with the required information

Will the on-line ORBT be available at the same time?

Yes it will be and details of how to access this will be included in the e-mail.

Will I be able to get a hard copy of the ORBT?

Yes you will be able to get a hard copy of the ORBT. However, all judges are encouraged to do their ORBT on-line as this is marked automatically and judges get the result immediately (must remember to print off the completion certificate as this has to be forwarded with your paperwork). Hard copy ORBTs have to be marked manually so are labour intensive and slows down the process. It is recognised that the internet connection in some parts of Australia are not reliable so the hard copy option in these instances is the way to go to save frustration of losing connection when you are half way through

Where will I send my paperwork?

Dressage re-accreditation paperwork is to be forwarded to Lesley Sullivan, Secretary EADJC via e-mail to [email protected] or via snail mail to PO Box 6221, Tweed Heads South, NSW, 2486. If you send via snail mail please make sure that you keep a copy of what your send in case it gets lost in the mail

Will I receive advice about my paperwork being received etc?

Judges will receive an e-mail when their paperwork is received and they will receive another e-mail re the outcome once the paperwork has been assessed. If you don’t receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours it means that your e-mail hasn’t been received. Check to make sure that you sent it to the correct e-mail address and re-send

How long will it take for my paperwork to be processed?

Paperwork should be processed within 24 to 48 hours of receipt. Process might take longer if there are any queries

What happens if I haven’t attend the required seminar or workshops?

Don’t panic, we don’t want to lose judges. In these instances judges will be extended, usually to the end of the year e.g. to 31/12/22 and during this time you should be able to attend the required seminar or workshop

What happens if I haven’t completed the required judging?

Again don’t panic. You will have your accreditation extended, usually to the end of the year e.g. 31/12/22 and during this time you should be able to do the required judging

What happens if after a period of extension I am still not able to meet my compulsory requirements?

We hope that this doesn’t happen. However, if it does then rule 12.8.1h comes into play and you will be downgraded 1 level

I am a G level judge and was only appointed in June 2019, am I required to complete the compulsory requirements?

No. What you are required to achieve will be based on a pro rata of the time you have been a G level judge e.g. 18 months – therefore you will need to judge at least 3 competitions before 31/12/21. There will be a place on the form for you to note your date of appointment

I have been on Leave of Absence *LOA) for 12 months from 1/1/19 to 31/12/19 – what will I have to complete?

Your active period will be assessed on a pro rata basis e.g. your active period would be a total of 24 months - there is a place on the form for you to note your LOA period

I was due to attend a seminar at my level in 2019 and haven’t been able to attend one, what happens?

You need to attend a seminar at your level before 31/12/22. When you do attend the seminar it will count as your 2019 seminar which will mean that the next seminar at your level that you need to attend will be in 2023

What questions in the ORBT will I have to answer?

There will be 3 level specific ORBTs as follows and you will be required to completed all the questions included in your level specific ORBT:

  • G/F/E Judges
  • D/C Judges
  • B/A Judges

There is also 2 additional ORBTs:

  • YH Judges
  • Para Dressage Judges

If you are a YH or Para Judge you will need to complete your level specific ORBT plus the relevant YH or PD ORBT