2020 Australian Jumping Championships
Due to the uncertainty in the sport at this time, all efforts are being made by Equestrian Australia (EA), the EA Jumping Committee and Boneo Park, to determine how the 2020 Pryde’s Easifeed Australian Jumping Championship scheduled for 4-8 November can proceed.
Fiona Selby, Managing Director of Boneo Park, stated, "We are mindful of the role that we play, as an employer and event organiser, in preventing the spread of COVID-19, however, we acknowledge that working towards running this event in the not too distant future provides a positive outlook for many and something for our equestrian community to work towards. We are grateful for the on-going support of Pryde's Easifeed and the Equestrian Australia Jumping Committee and we look forward to hosting a successful event."
Boneo Park will continue to follow the advice of the State Government and public health authorities to identify an appropriate time and way to stage this event.
To support Boneo Park and the equestrian Jumping community, the EA Jumping Committee has also granted Boneo Park the 2021 Australian Jumping Championship, regardless of whether competition is possible this year.
Andrew Hamilton, Acting CEO of Equestrian Australia stated that, "The health and safety of our people and horses remain our priority as we work together as a broader community in order to navigate through these tough times and ensure that our members can enjoy a safe return to competition as quickly as we can."