An Update For All Our Dressage Community
On Monday 11th, the EADC was party to a letter being sent to all our EA State Branch Chairs and CEOs.
The letter which follows is a plea to them concerning the current impasse we’re in with their non acceptance of our voice and our vote as members in favour of KordaMentha and the Deed of Company Arrangement.
Open Letter to the State Branches
We have every faith that KordaMentha are fulfilling their role as Voluntary Administrators with every diligence - and any member who has either phoned them or emailed will have found their queries have been handled with respect and empathy.
Our letter simply puts the question from the view of your Sports Committee, we represent you and there is so much else going on in our lives at the moment, we need to be pulling together, not closing the door on rapprochement.
It's our EA - all of us….
Keep safe everyone, and take care.
Prue Spurrett, Chair EADC
Virginia Creed
Elizabeth Owens
Gillian Botten
Julie Ely-Jones
Maree Tomkinson