Guide for Returning to Equestrian Vaulting Under COVID-19
Released by the Equestrian Australia Vaulting Committee (EAVC)
This document has been produced by the EAVC COVID Working Group following a request from the EAVC to provide guidance to Clubs and members as they return to competition amid COVID-19 considerations. The document is intended to provide basic recommendations to organising committees and clubs throughout Australia and serve as a foundation on which each club or organisation can build a safe and comprehensive COVID-19 Plan.
Club training and competitions have been adversely affected by COVID-19 throughout 2020, and while some clubs have continued active training, others have scaled back on training throughout the year. Most competitions and clinics have been cancelled as the equestrian vaulting community adjusted to sport under COVID-19.
In order to hold events where vaulters from separate regions and communities congregate together, there are both national and state regulations which apply. There are also different ways in which each state and each club has organised their training and events through this year.
The information contained in this document MUST be assessed in line with ongoing changes throughout the health and sporting bodies on both a national and state level. It is not appropriate to rely on this document as a comprehensive statement on conducting equestrian vaulting events in 2020 and 2021.
Returning to Equestrian Vaulting Under COVID-19
Current State and National Health Regulations must be followed in accordance with your individual State.