EADC calling for EOI - EA Dressage Officials Committee (EADOC)
The EA Dressage Committee is now calling for nominations for the EA Dressage Officials Committee (EADOC).
All positions will be for a three (3) year term as of 1 January 2021, until 31st December 2023.
The EADOC has three vacancies. Jane Ventura has served two terms of 3 years and is not eligible to re-stand for 12 months. Kerrie Swan-Bates and Kim Thomas have both served one term of 3 years and are eligible to re-stand.
A Position Description for the EA Dressage Officials Committee can be found HERE
All Committee Policies and Charters can be located HERE
If you would like to nominate for a position on the EADOC, you may do so by completing the Nomination Form below and returning to:
Karen Myers (Sports Services Officer) via email [email protected] by 5pm WEDNESDAY 30th June 2021.
EA Dressage Officials Committee Nomination Form 2021-2023.docx