Seeking Volunteer Rep for National Horse Traceability Working Group
We are seeking an appropriately credentialed individual with the appropriate interest and skills to represent Equestrian Australia as a volunteer on the National Horse Traceability Working Group.
At the February 2020 Agriculture Minister’s Forum (AGMIN) meeting, Ministers endorsed a paper presented by Queensland and Victorian governments in relation to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee report, The Feasibility of a National Horse Traceability Register for all Horses (the report).
The AGMIN agenda paper recommended that the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF) and Agriculture Victoria work collaboratively to co-lead the development of the membership and establishment of the working group.
The report provided recommendations for the establishment of a national working group to progress the development and implementation of a national horse traceability register that, at its core, serves a biosecurity function.
The organisations currently represented on the National Horse Traceability Working Group are:
- Animal Health Australia
- Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment
- Harness Racing Australia
- Racing Australia
- Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- Australian Horse Industry Council
- Equestrian Australia
- State and Territory Governments
- Independent Chair
Since its inception in late 2020, the National Horse Traceability Working Group has been meeting regularly as required with the intent to provide recommendations for the implementation of a national horse traceability register via AGSOC to AGMIN by late 2021 or early 2022.
Expressions of Interest in the form of a covering letter and resume, can be submitted to EA’s General Manager – Business Operations and Integrity via [email protected] by 10 June 2021.